How To Quadruple Your Profits Selling White Label VoIP Services

May 20, 2013
White Label VoIPAs a successful phone service reseller, you may feel like you have it made. While a large scale service provider does all of the heavy lifting for you, you’re able to easily refer or sell these services for a commission of the customer’s monthly payments. But what if you could enjoy an even higher level of success that would yield four times the profit that you are currently bringing in? Anyone in search of financial freedom would jump at the chance to quadruple their revenue. The good news is that this is exactly what you can achieve through becoming a white label VoIP reseller. In this post we will explore why becoming a partner with White Label Communications is a wise business move, and how you will quickly be able to become a far more profitable telecommunications provider or MSP.

Why should I be interested in white label VoIP?

Voice over Internet Protocol (typically shortened to “VoIP”) is quickly replacing traditional landline phone networks. In fact, experts have predicted that within the decade, landlines will be completely extinct. But after so many years of reliable service, why are landlines finally being replaced? The short answer is cost. VoIP makes it possible to transmit voice calls, video calls, and other communications data via an internet connection which ultimately lowers costs for both communications providers and end users. And although VoIP relies upon the internet, it has proven itself to be extremely reliable and allows for transmissions that are just as clear as any other call. Because phone calls can be made in the same way that they were on a traditional landline network, there is absolutely no learning curve. All of this adds up to an affordable, reliable, and user-friendly phone experience. As such, more and more businesses and individuals are making the switch to VoIP telephony and are in search of telecommunications providers who can help make the transition as smooth and seamless as possible. By becoming a white label VoIP reseller right now, you will be able to take advantage of this great change, and enjoy the steady income that is to be made as your customers continue to utilize your technologically advanced services well into the future.

How can White Label Communications help me quadruple my profits?

How much commission are you currently making from your communications carrier? Most MSPs and resellers earn only a 15% take on monthly customer service fees. This means that if a customer is paying $1000 for monthly services, you’re only bringing in $150. At WLC, our white label VoIP reselling partners can make up to 60% gross margin – that’s four times as much as the competitive rate. In this way, you’ll quickly start making $600 a month on $1000 in revenue. And here’s the kicker: you own the customer! We remain behind stage so that you can promote the services as your own while building up a reliable and highly profitable company name so that you can truly establish yourself as a communications provider.

Why else should I work with White Label Communications?

At White Label Communications, we provide all of our white label VoIP resellers with the tools and equipment that they need to provide the highest quality of services to their customers as possible. We offer the infrastructure, know-how, and equipment that is needed to help integrate a VoIP dial tone to any SIP native or legacy PBX. Our feature-rich services enable you to remain competitive with even the largest scale service providers so that you can keep all of your customers ahead of the technological curve on a budget that they can afford. When you work with us, you can offer services to your client base such as:

  • Disaster Recovery – In the event of an unexpected internet or power outage, there is no need for your client’s customers to ever realize that something is going wrong. In situations like these, all calls will systematically be routed to other branch locations, cell phones, and voice mail boxes.
  • Line Bursting – During peak calling hours, there may not be enough call paths (phone lines) to route the increased volume of inbound calls. Instead of frustrating customers with a busy signal, our services enable calls to be “bursted” over prepaid call paths (virtual phone lines).
  • Mobile Compatibility –  Our infrastructure allows your customers to enjoy mobile capabilities while still enjoying the feature set of a corporate PBX.

Your customers will also enjoy the advantages of total scalability, location mobility, trunk consolidation and more. Plus, you can rest assured that your system is always running at 100% by working with our 24/7 customer service representatives.

It’s easy to see why becoming a VoIP reseller with WLC is a smart choice. Are you ready to start offering better services and making quadruple profits today?

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