Turnkey VoIP Services: Keeping You Informed

December 30, 2014

Turnkey VoIP Now that the costs associated with using turnkey VoIP services have been lowering over the past few years, which means that they’re now available to all of the business owners who couldn’t previously afford to integrate VoIP technology into their business, it’s time to check in with where we are. The costs associated with integrating VoIP services into a business were once quite substantial, which means that only the big businesses were able to afford VoIP technology. This also means that these big businesses have been enjoying the many benefits that VoIP technology has to offer for many years now, which has given them the edge when it comes to business competition.

But now that these costs have lowered substantially, any business owner who’s looking to make their business more competitive can now afford to integrate VoIP technology into their business.


What’s happening right now is a major shift going on in the telecommunications industry. This transition from one communication platform to another is giving business owners access to a new system that is going to allow them many more benefits than what their now deemed to be very limited and outdated landline system can. Current reports are telling us that for every 10 small or medium-sized business owners, 3 have already signed up so that they can start receiving turnkey VoIP services.

This means that most business owners still haven’t signed up for turnkey VoIP services yet.


Why haven’t more business owners signed up for turnkey VoIP services yet? Good question! It would seem that every business owner would have signed up for VoIP technology already so that they can have access to an updated telecommunications system. But this simply isn’t the case.

There are some business owners who are simply waiting to see if it’s going to be worth their effort to make the switch to VoIP technology. What we say to them is eventually everyone is going to need to upgrade their telecommunication system to one that utilizes VoIP technology. Well, that’s only if they want to be able to be able to effectively communicate with the outside world.

And because time is often an issue, there are some business owners who simply feel that they don’t have the time to learn a new system. What we say to them is that it’s critical that you make the time, even if it requires working overtime or hiring outside help.

Then there are those who merely aren’t aware that VoIP technology is slowly but surely replacing the landline technology that they’re currently using. They figure that their landline system is working just fine so why bother to upgrade? What we say to them is that by the year 2017 it’s predicted that 90% of all business owners will be using turnkey VoIP services, so don’t be left out of this oh-so-important telecommunications loop!


So when is a good time for you to sign up for turnkey VoIP services? The sooner the better! Right now is a great time to ditch your landline so you can start accessing the many benefits that turnkey VoIP technology can offer your business. Because these benefits are going to help you run your business much more efficiently, right now is the perfect time for you to sign up for turnkey VoIP services.

The Best Turnkey VoIP Reseller

In order for you to make sure that you’re going to get access to the absolute best VoIP services, it’s a good idea to give your business to the best VoIP reseller. The best reseller is going to be someone who truly cares about your business’ best interests. The best reseller is someone who will thoroughly listen to your wants and/or needs so that they can offer you the best VoIP-related services that are going to benefit your business the most.

If you need help finding the best VoIP reseller, we can help! Be sure to contact us today so we can put you in touch with a VoIP reseller who can provide you with the absolute best turnkey VoIP services for your business.

Want to learn more about our Private Label Reseller program? Click here to contact or schedule a call with us.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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