The Future Proof White Label PBX

September 27, 2012

Becoming a private label telecommunications provider became cost effective with the advent of VoIP and the key to a lucrative business with small to medium firms finally onboarding the VoIP train. These are the businesses where each dollar spent must stretch the furthest and they are looking for cost effective resources to help them compete with larger businesses with deeper pockets.

The future proof White Label PBX solution offers a way for our resellers to provide their customers with an ongoing telecommunications solution without breaking the bank. By embracing VoIP and the White Label turnkey hosted PBX feature set, private phone service can be offered for much less than a traditional on-premise PBX. Not only is savings found through the elimination of  infrastructure, the concern of maintaining and upgrading the system becomes a thing of the past.

What makes it future proof?

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Constant Software Updates

One of the biggest advantages of the White Label PBX is the ability to easily maintain a cutting edge solution for customers. Software updates are part of the package, allowing features to be added, improved, or replaced without disruption to service. No hardware changes are needed and the ability to act as a major phone company at a fraction of the cost allows for a lower price to enter the resale business. This cost savings is passed along, giving smaller firms the opportunity to concentrate their resources outwards on attracting business rather than within the company to fund the telecommunications process.


Another part of the future proof promise is the flexibility provided by the White Label PBX solution. Nobody can predict how large or how quickly a business will grow. Hosted PBX evades that problem with its ability to expand and contract as needed. There is never any resource left sitting unused nor is there a delay in service due to sudden growth. It also allows for existing telecommunications hardware to be replaced without worrying about compatibility issues.

Disaster Recovery

White Label PBX also offers disaster recovery capabilities far beyond those of a premise based PBX system. With so much of business performance tied to information technology, it has become necessary to find ways to preserve equipment and restore service as quickly as possible. Being able to offer service to remote users or satellite offices increases recovery and uptime exponentially. In the event the home office is impacted, the customer can continue their business with little to no interruption.


Increasingly employees are using their own telecommunications devices in the workplace and employers are embracing the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) movement. White Label PBX gives resellers the ability to offer device agnostic service. Without the need to reconfigure for each telecommunication device, it is simple for businesses to extend service to remote workers, satellite offices, and business expansions without the need to supply the same devices to everyone. There is no waiting for installation or provision of hardware, only instantaneous ability to work using the available technology. And employees are not required to adapt to new devices or carry both a personal and a business device, increasing their job satisfaction.

Becoming a private label voip provider has never been easier. By offering cost-effective VoIP PBX with a wide ranging feature set, resellers can offer their clients everything the public phone service offers and more. Clients can keep their current phone number plus enjoy features previously out of reach such as:

  • Unlimited all-distance calling,
  • Auto attendants,
  • Multi-location digital assistant
  • No answer and busy call forwarding,
  • Incoming call blocking, and
  • Real-time call logging.

Technology never stands still and telecommunications is the poster child of that trend. No longer a futuristic but a future proof service, telecommunications will hold the globe together. Don’t miss the ride.



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