Resell Cloud PBX Services? Help Clients Improve Cloud Security

January 20, 2014

resell cloud PBXDo you currently resell cloud PBX services? Great! Those who are choosing to resell cloud PBX services these days are finding out that this particular niche is one that isn’t showing any signs of slowing down soon. And the fact that more and more businesses are choosing to sign up to receive cloud computing services every single day that goes by is proving that the predictions are coming true. Predictions that there will be no slowing down when it comes to both small and medium-sized businesses signing up to receive the high-tech cloud computing services that so many companies are now using to their benefit.

Because cloud computing services are still considered to be a rather new technology, it’s one that hasn’t been perfected yet. Although the majority of cloud computing services are working just fine for the thousands of businesses that are currently signed up to receive cloud computing services, there’s still an issue on just how secure cloud computing is. That’s why it’s important for any reseller to completely understand everything there is to know about cloud computing technology. It’s the job of the reseller to inform and educate those who are interested but just not quite sure about how safe cloud computing truly is.

How to Improve Cloud Security

Because cloud computing is becoming more and more popular with each and every passing day, there’s a real need to improve cloud security in order to protect all users. Even though there are varying issues of importance when it comes to a company’s data, no company wants to have their data hacked into and/or stolen by another entity.

The following are some ideas that can help a company ensure that they have some security measures already set in place that will make it more difficult for someone to hack into their virtual cloud and access their company information.

~Only give access to a few select employees. This limits the amount of people who are able to enter the cloud, which greatly improves any overall security measures that have already been put into place. A company can also make it so certain employees only have access to certain parts of data with other parts being completely off limits. And every employee should receive special training so they’re able to fully understand how the cloud works. Security checks are highly recommended and can be regularly scheduled.

~Creating a number of passwords that are extremely hard to figure out is a great way to improve a business’s cloud security.  Yes, you read that right. A company should have at least five or six different passwords that they can use in order to protect their data from being accessed by a third party. The reason for so many passwords? Imagine if someone was trying to hack into your visual cloud and figured out your password. Now that they have that password they’re going to try and access other accounts, as well. If you have more than one password then you’re limiting the ability for them to access any more information.

~Making sure your system is constantly updated is necessary when it comes to reducing any weaknesses that might be present, like worms and bugs. Updating your system at least once a month is highly recommended, and can easily be scheduled making it in extremely easy thing to do.

~Installing Windows firewall service lets you sort through, guard and control the traffic that comes your way. Using this extremely helpful tool to issue the control you need is necessary and can allow only certain connections to come in and go out. A firewall service is going to make your overall security be that much stronger.

Resell Cloud PBX

If you’d like to resell cloud PBX services, be sure to contact us today for more information.

Want to learn more about our Private Label Reseller program? Click here to contact or schedule a call with us.

Image courtesy of ddvapumba/

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