White Label Phone Systems in the Cloud

January 4, 2013

white label phone systemsIn recent years a great media buzz has surrounded the concept of “the cloud”. The cloud, simply put, is a storage option that can be utilized by businesses and individuals alike. The programs offered to individual users and to corporations, obviously, differ significantly, but the basis of the service remains the same. In short, the “cloud” is an off-site storage option that takes data and stores it on an off-site server. The goal of the cloud, whether it is a phone system or a full data server, is to take bulky storage units off site and create a much more streamlined and efficient process for individuals and businesses, alike. The cloud has come a long way since its early inception in the 1950s, and practical application in the late 1990s. There are a myriad of benefits to utilizing the cloud, specifically for those attempting to run a PBX phone system for a small or medium sized office. White label phone systems,for example, offers a myriad of different cloud solutions that can be utilized by businesses of all sizes. 

Benefits of Existing in the Cloud 

The telephone system of the past utilized by companies, often referred to as a PBX phone system, stands for Private Branch Exchange. In the traditional set up of a PBX system businesses set up a large and expansive system of phones and hardware that connected an office’s phone system. Through the system businesses can make external calls, transfer calls within the office, and utilize several lines to make and receive phone calls. These systems, while useful, remain difficult to navigate and require maintenance on a regular basis by a licensed party. 

PBX systems are a necessity for small and medium sized businesses, but housing all of the hardware is no longer a necessity. Through different White Label phone systems businesses can choose to host their PBX system in the cloud. Simply put, the company can choose to connect through a virtual PBX, which sends all data through an internet connection for VoIP phone calls. The calls that are received and routed through the office are also sent through this secure connection. 

Those who utilize White Label phone systems with a cloud option needn’t worry about maintenance of the hardware. There is no hardware on site. They also needn’t worry about updating the hardware for the same reason. Additionally VoIP cloud storage allows companies to monitor phone activity and gain a deeper understanding of how their business is running. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, bulk phones are replaced by easy-to-use, modern and efficient VoIP telephones. 

Small Businesses Grow with Cloud Storage 

Small businesses, in recent years, have turned to the notion of cloud based storage for important customer data and for the storage and management of their phone and internet systems. This switch has led to far more streamlined and efficient office spaces, which, in part, has led to better profit margins and better consumer relations. In the past small businesses were forced to rely on traditional phone company services and PBX phone systems. While these systems certainly worked the cost of running such a system was remained high. Small businesses, for many years, swallowed the bill and trudged forward with outdated and expensive phone systems. The advent of the internet and growing consumer bases due to internet exposure, further exacerbated the problem. 

White Label phone systems, however, saw a way to help small and medium size businesses reach their full potential at a lower cost through VoIP phone systems. Through VoIP the entire process of receiving phone calls was streamlined. The concept of VoIP also helped the business reach consumers without incurring high charges for long distance discussions. Add in the cloud and small businesses are prospering. Now, small and medium size businesses needn’t, even house a PBX system in office to retain the functionality of it. White Label phone systems has managed to revolutionize the way small businesses utilize the telephone. 



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